Remembrance Sunday Service at St. Mary Major, Ilchester

Ilchester Parish Councillor “H” Williams wore his Chief Petty Officer’s beret and medals when he laid a wreath on behalf of the parish council at the Remembrance Sunday service at St Mary Major.
“H” served in the Royal Navy for 25 years and wearing the beret allowed him to salute the war memorial and the men named on it who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Hundreds of people turned out for Sunday’s parade Members of the Royal Navy and Army Air Corps, youth and other organisations marched to the church along West Street, High Street and Church Street. The service began inside the church, then, shortly before 11am, the congregation gathered around the churchyard war memorial where the Rev Bruce Faulkner led prayers. Wreaths were laid, and Last Post and Reveille sounded by a military bugler.
Yeovilton Military Wives Choir brought the service to a conclusion with a moving rendition of Abide With Me. “H” praised Rev Faulkner’s sermon in which he spoke of the individual strengths of Ilchester and of nearby Royal Naval Air Station Yeovilton, and what each community can bring to the other.