The car boot is organised by the Ilchester Sportsfield Committee. We hope you will enjoy your visit. All monies raised is used to maintain and develop the sports field and pavilion – charity no. 235579, and to support our local community. All our helpers are volunteers who give their time freely and we ask you to co-operate with them, please.

Due to Health and Safety, sellers are requested not to leave until after 11 am. This decision was made due to concerns regarding some extremely near accidents, caused when sellers leave too early and put other sellers, buyers, and pedestrians at risk of being knocked over/hit by vehicles exiting the lanes. We would further ask that sellers do not trade between themselves until the general public have been admitted.

Please follow the instructions of the stewards (yellow jackets) when parking. We are now strictly regulated regarding layout, so please park sensibly and where directed. Furthermore, due to strict recycling regulations, we politely request that you DO NOT leave rubbish or merchandise on site. Please take EVERYTHING away with you.

Should you have any issues, please do not hesitate to speak with one of the stewards or the staff in the office. Our wooden hut is by the entrance to the grounds. Alternatively, please ring 07967 280754.

Thank you and best wishes

Susan Small (Chair)

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